Workplace Wellness Consulting 

Workplace Wellness Consulting services are tailored to help organisations identify and address psychosocial hazards, develop effective policies, and implement initiatives that are suited to your business and employee. We understand that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and we are committed to helping you achieve this.

Why Choose Us?

  • Proven expertise in mental health and wellbeing
  • Customised solutions for your specific needs
  • A team of experienced professionals dedicated to your success

Key Benefits:

  • Increased productivity and reduced absenteeism
  • Enhanced employee engagement and morale
  • Ensures PCBU complies with the WHS Act and WHS Regulations

Our Key Services and Solutions

Employee Engagement Survey

Psychosocial Hazard Management

Mental Health Wellness Programs 

Employee Engagement Surveys delve into the heart of workplace culture, uncovering key drivers of productivity and satisfaction. By analysing comprehensive feedback, we provide actionable insights that can lead to a 30% increase in employee retention and a boost in overall morale. Discover how understanding your team's needs can transform your workplace into a hub of motivation and success.

Our Psychosocial Hazard Management services address critical issues like workplace stress, bullying, and burnout. We implement targeted interventions such as stress management workshops, conflict resolution training, and mental health support systems. These efforts help reduce absenteeism by 20% and increase employee productivity. Your employees will feel supported, valued, and more engaged, leading to a healthier and more productive work environment.

These evidence-based coaching and mentoring services utilise cognitive behavioural therapy, solution-focused therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions to foster employee well-being and promote workplace engagement. Addressing mental health concerns and promoting well-being can lead to increased productivity, improved teamwork, and higher job satisfaction, benefiting the organisation as a whole.

Psychosocial Hazards Identification

Identifying psychosocial hazards in the workplace is the first step towards creating a healthier work environment. These hazards can include factors such as excessive workload, lack of control, poor support, and workplace bullying or harassment.

Our Approach:

  • Comprehensive assessments through surveys, interviews, and observations
  • Analysis of workplace culture and employee feedback
  • Identification of key areas for improvement

Why It Matters:

  • Statistics: Studies show that untreated mental health conditions cost Australian businesses approximately $10.9 billion annually in absenteeism, reduced productivity, and workers compensation claims.

Proactively addressing psychosocial hazards can lead to significant improvements in employee wellbeing and organisational performance.

Policy Development

Effective policies are crucial for supporting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. We work with organisations to develop, review, and implement policies that promote a supportive and healthy work environment.

Our Services Include:

  • Development of mental health and wellness policies
  • Review and enhancement of existing policies
  • Training for management and staff on policy implementation


  • Clear guidelines and expectations for employees and managers
  • Improved workplace culture and reduced stigma around mental health
  • Compliance with legal WHS Act and WHS Regulations

Impact: Implementing robust mental health policies can reduce the risk of mental health-related claims and improve overall employee satisfaction and retention.

Implementation Support

We provide ongoing support to ensure that wellness initiatives and policies are effectively implemented and sustained over time. Our goal is to help organisations create a lasting culture of wellbeing.

Our Support Includes:

  • Training and education for employees and managers
  • Regular check-ins and progress assessments
  • Resources and tools to support ongoing wellness efforts

Success Stories:

Companies that invest in workplace wellness programs see a return on investment (ROI) of up to $2.30 for every dollar spent, due to reduced absenteeism and increased productivity.

Commitment: We are dedicated to supporting your organisation every step of the way, ensuring that your wellness initiatives are successful and sustainable.


Our Workplace Wellness Consulting services are designed to help you create a healthier, more supportive work environment. From identifying psychosocial hazards to developing policies and providing implementation support, we offer comprehensive solutions to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organisation thrive.