Coaching - Speak Up, Stand Out: Your Self Advocacy Journey

Calling all future champions of self-expression and advocates of awesomeness! 🌟 Step into the spotlight with our Self Advocacy Workshops – where the stage is set for you to rock your unique voice and claim the spotlight of your life's narrative.

Get ready to unlock the power of 'you' as we embark on a journey filled with laughter, learning, and unapologetic self-discovery.

Imagine a workshop where confidence is your cape, communication skills are your superpowers, and saying 'yes' to yourself becomes second nature.  From smashing self-doubt to crafting assertiveness strategies that make you unstoppable, our workshops are all about making your inner cheerleader proud.


So grab a seat in this adventure-packed rollercoaster, and let's dive into a world where self advocacy isn't just a skill – it's a way of life. Let's sculpt your journey with courage, create your script with conviction, and transform every challenge into an opportunity to rise.


Get ready to transform your life.  With our 6 week program including,  2hr weekly sessions  filled with laughter, learning, and personal growth. No more playing small; it's time to shine like the star you are!


Welcome to the ultimate Self Advocacy Playground – where the only limits are the ones you set for yourself. 🎉 It's showtime!

🌟 Benefits You'll Gain:

  • Confidence: Unlock your inner strength and confidence to speak up with conviction.
  • Effective Communication: Develop superpowered communication skills for personal and professional success.
  • Unstoppable Assertiveness: Craft assertiveness strategies that make you unstoppable in any situation.
  • Self-Discovery: Say 'yes' to yourself and embark on a journey of unapologetic self-discovery.


Why Choose This Coaching:

  • Tailored :1:1 Guidance, your journey is unique, and our coaching is designed to fit your individual needs.
  • Weekly Support: Offered over the duration of the program.
  • Transformational Results: Empower yourself to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.


Imagine a world where self advocacy isn't just a skill – it's a way of life.


 It's Time to Invest in Yourself! Don't miss out on the ultimate Self Advocacy Playground – where the only limits are the ones you set for yourself. 🎉

Purchase Your Coaching Journey Today and Step into the Spotlight!

What is "Speak Up, Stand Out: Your Self Advocacy Journey"?

"Speak Up, Stand Out" 6 week, 1:1 coaching service designed to empower you with the confidence and skills to express yourself effectively, both personally and professionally. Through tailored guidance and support, you'll develop unshakable self-advocacy abilities and transform your life.

Who is this coaching service for?

This coaching is for anyone who wants to enhance their self-expression, communication, and assertiveness skills. Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in your career, a student looking to boost your self-confidence, or anyone seeking personal growth, this coaching is tailored to your unique needs.

How is this coaching different from a group workshop?

While group workshops have their benefits, our 1:1 coaching offers a highly personalized experience. We tailor each session to your specific goals, challenges, and progress, providing individualized support and accountability.

What can I expect from the weekly 120-minute coaching sessions?

In each session, you'll receive personalised guidance, skill-building exercises, and a safe space to explore and overcome challenges. We'll work together to build your confidence, hone your communication abilities, and craft effective self-advocacy strategies.

How are the coaching sessions conducted? Are online sessions available?

We understand the importance of flexibility and convenience. Our coaching sessions are primarily conducted online via Zoom, allowing us to connect with you no matter where you are. This online platform enables us to provide 1:1 guidance and support, ensuring that you receive the coaching you need in a way that suits your schedule and location.

How can I get started on this transformative journey?

To begin, schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with us. It's an opportunity to discuss your goals, understand how our coaching can benefit you, and explore the possibilities. To request your free session, email directly to embark on this transformation together.


What is the cost of the "Speak Up, Stand Out: Your Self Advocacy Journey" coaching?

The investment in your personal and professional growth is $1440.00. This fee covers the full six-week coaching journey, including weekly 120-minute 1:1 sessions, personalized guidance, tailored coaching materials, and ongoing support.

We believe that the transformation you'll experience is worth every penny, and we're committed to providing you with exceptional value throughout your coaching journey.